Monday, November 28, 2011

19 Weeks 5 Days

Just two more days until I find out if we are having a little Miss or a Mister!

Feeling so much better! I have not thrown up in 2 whole days.

I can't believe I'm just two days away from being half way through this pregnancy!

I feel the baby kick all the time, it's pretty cool! I didn't realize how often it would move!

I gained a pound, my first pound! (This is after gaining back the three pounds I lost initially)...But then I weighed after Thanksgiving, and the scale was back to 120. Ha, hilarious! I know my weight gain and bump are just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Your so little but you're right that bump will be there before you know it! I would think since you're so thin that you would show sooner but I guess not.
