Monday, March 5, 2012

33.5 weeks belly shot

33 Weeks! I'm feeling great!

Not sick at all and not too uncomfortable yet size wise. My ribs, however, are killing me from Caroline's strong kicks, and I'm still very anemic which makes me tired at the end of the day (and in the middle too)...But other than that, I'm enjoying this time!

My sister-in-law had a baby this past week! Her first, and the family's 1st grandbaby on that side! She had a little girl who is BEAUTIFUL, and it made me want to meet mine all the more :) They will be cute little cousins only about a month apart! How fun!!

1 comment:

  1. You could be on that Pregnant and didn't know it show. You're hardly must have some strong ab muscles holding it all in. You are going to snap right back to pre baby body in 2 seconds. I wonder what that belly will look like at 40 weeks. I bet any day you abs are just going to give up and you'll pop right out.
